Write a function that makes the first number as large as possible by swapping out its digits for digits in the second number.

To illustrate:

 maxPossible(9328, 456) ➞ 9658 // 9658 is the largest possible number built from swaps from 456. // 3 replaced with 6 and 2 replaced with 5. 


 maxPossible(523, 76) ➞ 763  maxPossible(9132, 5564) ➞ 9655  maxPossible(8732, 91255) ➞ 9755 


  • Each digit in the second number can only be used once.
  • Zero to all digits in the second number may be used.


 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
function maxPossible(n1, n2) {   let sol = "";   let arrOne = [...n1.toString()].map((num) => parseInt(num));   let arrTwo = [...n2.toString()].map((num) => parseInt(num));   arrTwo.sort((a, b) => b - a);   for (let i in arrOne) {     if (arrOne[i] < arrTwo[0]) {       sol += arrTwo[0];       arrTwo.shift();     } else {       sol += arrOne[i];     }   }   return parseInt(sol); } 

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