Monday, July 19, 2021

[New post] COVID cases | Technology Trends With Ali Khan

Ali Khan posted: ""

[New post] What’s the difference between high availability and backup again?

admin posted: " It's not just that they're making headlines more often. Ransomware rates really are rising. Given the recent spate of high-profile attacks, it's worth remembering the difference between standard backup and high-availability replication. Our"

[New post] How To Make A Real Estate Website With WordPress 2021

chakal posted: " Learn How To Make A Real Estate Website With Wordpress, Start Here: Get Web Hosting: Get Houzez Theme"

[New post] Phrozen MegaSonic 8K QUICK REVEAL – possibly the biggest HOME level 3D printer available – by VOG

chakal posted: " A very quick look at initial unboxing of the newly released Phrozen Mega Sonic 8K 3D printer, possibly the biggest home level printer on th"

[New post] PiicoDev Atmospheric Sensor BME280 | Raspberry Pi Pico Guide

chakal posted: " We'll do a quick project with our PiicoDev BME280 Atmospheric Sensor and Raspberry Pi Pico - let's wire them up and perform some temperatur"

[New post] The Arduino Engineering Kit Is Your First Step to Becoming an Engineer

chakal posted: " The Arduino Engineering Kit is a practical, hands-on learning experience that helps students develop key engineering skills, and learn core"

Generate a catchy title for a collection of newfangled music by making it your own

Write a newfangled code fragment at an earlier stage to use it. Then call another method and make sure their input is the correct one. The s...