Tuesday, September 28, 2021

[New post] Cascading Dropdowns in Blazor C#

trystanwilcock posted: " Blazor is a web framework introduced by Microsoft that allows developers to create web applications using C# and HTML. It allows for rich UI elements to be created without the need for any JavaScript. I thought I would demonstrate this by creating a popu"

[New post] Print Cube Root of A Number in Java

Ethix posted: "Confronting with numbers is the first thing each one of us has learned in school. However, as we step up high more and more difficult questions based on the same fundamentals seem to appear in our way. It's the same with programming, using the same fundam"

[New post] [Appium][Android] Change window/tab in a chrome custom tab

KazuCocoa posted: " A chrome custom tab is a chrome browser instance on an Android device. Appium tries to get available contexts by checking browser/webview processes on the device/application. It means even when the chrome custom tab has multiple tabs/windows, Appium prob"

[New post] 10 Best GIMP Tutorials, Courses & Classes

Imran Abdul Ghani posted: "As we all know that GIMP is a free and open-source raster graphics editor that is frequently used for image manipulation and image editing. To know all about GIMP and how it can be used to edit different images, our team at takethiscourse.net has compiled"

Generate a catchy title for a collection of newfangled music by making it your own

Write a newfangled code fragment at an earlier stage to use it. Then call another method and make sure their input is the correct one. The s...