We have just released a lot of functions for .NET5 in a NuGet package that you can download for free. We collected in this package functions for everyday work to help you with claim, strings, enums, date and time, expressions...
ClaimExtensions Methods
| Name | Description |
| GetClaim | Gets a claim from a list of claims |
| GetClaimValue | Gets the value of the requested claim if it exists |
| HasRole | Determines whether the specified role name has role. |
| HasRoles | Determines whether the specified role name has roles. |
| UpdateClaim | Updates a claim with a new value |
| Name | Description |
| BytesToHex | Byteses to hexadecimal. |
| Decrypt | Decrypts the specified data. |
| Encrypt | Encrypts the specified data. |
| HexToBytes | Hexadecimals to bytes. |
| RandomString | Randoms the string (lowercase string) |
DateExtensions Methods
| Name | Description |
| AscensionDay | Calculate Ascencion day |
| AshWednesday | Calculate Ash Wednesday |
| ChristmasDay | Get the first day of christmas |
| DateDiff | Dates the difference. |
| EasterSunday | Calculate Easter Sunday day |
| FirstSundayOfAdvent | Calculate the first Sunday of Advent |
| GetRandomDateTime | Generate random DateTime between range |
| GoodFriday | Calculate Good Friday |
| PalmSunday | Calculate Palm Sunday |
| WhitSunday | Calculate Whit Sunday |
EnumerableExtensions Methods
| Name | Description |
| PickRandom<T>(IEnumerable<T>) | Return a random item for an IEnumerable T |
| PickRandom<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Int32) | Return a random item for an IEnumerable T |
| Shuffle<T>) | Return source ordered by a new Guid |
EnumExtension Methods
| Name | Description |
| GetLocalizedDescription | Gets localized description |
| GetDescription<T> | Gets the description. |
| ToEnum<T>(String) | Extension method to return an enum value of type T for the given string. |
| ToEnum<T>(Int32) | Extension method to return an enum value of type T for the given int. |
ExpressionExtensions Methods
| Name | Description |
| And<T> | Combines the first predicate with the second using the logical "and". |
| BuildPredicate<T> | Builds the predicate. |
| Not<T> | Negates the predicate. |
| Or<T> | Combines the first predicate with the second using the logical "or". |
| Replace | Replaces the specified search ex. |
JsonSerializationExtension Methods
| Name | Description |
| ReadFromJsonFile<T> | Reads an object instance from an Json file. Object type must have a parameterless constructor. |
| WriteToJsonFile<T> | Writes the given object instance to a Json file. Object type must have a parameterless constructor.Only Public properties and variables will be written to the file. These can be any type though, even other classes.If there are public properties/variables that you do not want written to the file, decorate them with the [JsonIgnore] attribute. |
ListExtensions Methods
| Name | Description |
| TrimSpace | Remove spece for each element of a list of string |
StringExtensions Methods
| Name | Description |
| CheckIPValid | Checks the ip valid. |
| ExtractDomainNameFromURL | Extract a domain name from a full URL |
| GetLast | Gets the last. |
| IPToNumber | Gets a number from a IPv4 |
| IsDate | Determines whether the specified date is date. |
| IsNumeric | Is the numeric. |
| PadNumber | Pads the number. |
| RandomString | Returns a random string with random alphanumeric characters |
| RemoveSpecialCharacter | Replace special character with another string |
| ReplaceSpace | Replace spaces with another string |
| ReplaceSpecialCharacters | Replace non-ASCII characters with their ASCII value |
| Right | Return the last n characters from a string |
| StripHTML | Remove all HTML tags from a string |
| SubstringBetween | Takes a substring between two anchor strings (or the end of the string if that anchor is null) |
| TruncateString(String, Int32) | Truncate a string after maxLength characters. |
| TruncateString(String, Int32, Boolean) | Truncate a string after maxLength characters. |
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