Saturday, October 23, 2021

[New post] Java code snippet – How to make an invisiblke button in swing?

Subash Chandran posted: "//Invisible/Transparent Button in swing button.setOpaque(false); button.setContentAreaFilled(false); button.setBorderPainted(false);"

[New post] How to take input in Java?

Subash Chandran posted: "Scanner sc = new Scanner(; // Create a Scanner object String userName = sc.nextLine();//read input string int age = sc.nextInt(); //read input integer long mobileNo = sc.nextLong(); //read input long double cgpa = sc.nextDouble(); //read input "

[New post] How to remove all special characters from a string in Java?

Subash Chandran posted: "String str= "This#string%contains^special*characters&."    str = str.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ");   System.out.println(str);  "

[New post] How to convert object to list in Java?

Subash Chandran posted: "//Assuming that your object is a valid List object, you can use: Collections.singletonList(object) -- Returns an immutable list containing only the specified object. List<Object> list = Collections.singletonList(object); //If you want it in a speci"

[New post] Java code snippet – How to write a member of in latex?

Subash Chandran posted: "A \in B"

[New post] Implement Merge Sort using Java

Ethix posted: "If you're in a computer science background, widening your technical horizons is the best thing you should do. However, your programming skills matter the most and one must continuously keep sharpening these skills. And to become a better programmer in the"

[New post] Don’t touch the code if it works posted: " "

Generate a catchy title for a collection of newfangled music by making it your own

Write a newfangled code fragment at an earlier stage to use it. Then call another method and make sure their input is the correct one. The s...