Thursday, September 23, 2021

[New post] Introduction to Kube Controller Manager

Rahul Soni posted: " In Kubernetes, there are five major component present in Control Plane. Let's meet one of components that is kube-controller-manager. kube controller manager : kube-controller-manager It manages various controllers in Kubernetes. Controllers ar"

[New post] Introduction to Time Series Forecasting (Part-1)

Aamir Shahab posted: " This blog is Part-1 for Introduction to Times Series Forecasting. In this blog, the main focus is to provide you an idea about what is a time series, types of forecasting, components of a time series, and the goal of a time series. Part-2 will provide yo"

[New post] How To Create an Interactive & Enhanced eBooks

SunTec India posted: " Interactive and enhanced ebooks are taking the reading experience to a next level! Using the latest technologies and tools, you can create enhanced ebooks that not only drive readers' engagement but also boost the learning ability of readers and help you"

[New post] Nancy Jin and Rosalind Moran, These strange outcrops (#BookReview)

whisperinggums posted: " Bagging Canberra - often used synonymously for the Federal Government - is almost a national sport, but in recent years anthologies have appeared to counter this with more complex stories about this place. The first two I've read - The invisible thre"

[New post] WPBeginnerがEasy Digital Downloadsなどの有名プラグインを買収

高橋 文樹 posted: " 英語圏で有名なWordPressチュートリアルサイト WPBeginner がEasy Digital Downloads, Affiliate WPなどを含むSandhills Developmentのプラグインをすべて買収したことを発表した。これにより、有名プラグインが複数あつまる「プレミアム・プラグイン・コングロマリット」のようなものがまた新たに誕生したことになる。 Sandhills Developmentは以前に「最も初期に成功したプレミアムプラグイン販売者」として紹介したPippin "

Generate a catchy title for a collection of newfangled music by making it your own

Write a newfangled code fragment at an earlier stage to use it. Then call another method and make sure their input is the correct one. The s...