Sunday, July 18, 2021

[New post] Google’s AlphaFold2 was Supposed to Validate DeepMind, now Academic Have Duplicated it for Free

Michael Spencer posted: " In late November, 2020 it becamse known that Google owned DeepMind developed a piece of AI software called "AlphaFold" that can accurately predict the structure that proteins will fold into in a matter of days. It was supposed to put DeepMind back on the"

[New post] Amazon Prime Day sale on July 26 will offer discounts on Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick, and Kindle

Prakalp Bhardwaj posted: " Amazon Prime Day sale is kicking off on July 26 and is going to be a two-day event, which means the sale ends on July 27. So, you have two days for shopping, and there are going to be huge discounts across product categories. In case you are looking for "

[New post] [Vue CLI] Membuat Rest Client untuk Private API

rudyekoprasetya posted: "Setelah sebelumnya kita gunakan public api dari (baca : [Vue CLI] Akses Public API dengan Axios). Kali ini kita akan membuat rest client untuk rest api privat yang sudah kita buat sebelumnya (baca : Rest API dengan PHP) dengan menggunakan vue "

Generate a catchy title for a collection of newfangled music by making it your own

Write a newfangled code fragment at an earlier stage to use it. Then call another method and make sure their input is the correct one. The s...