Thursday, July 29, 2021


chakal posted: " Soy Víctor Márquez y te propongo un trato: suscríbete ahora, y yo te enseño a CÓMO GANAR DINERO invirtiendo en Criptomonedas de la manera m"

[New post] End-to-End Hate Speech Detection with Python

Aman Kharwal posted: " Hate speech is one of the serious issues we see on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, mostly from people with political views. I recently shared an article on how to train a machine learning model for the hate speech detection task which y"

[New post] StreamYard and how to use it

Gregor Suttie posted: " "

[New post] How to Use Microsoft PowerToys

Gregor Suttie posted: " "

[New post] Automatically Tag Azure Resources using Azure Policy

Gregor Suttie posted: " "

[New post] Power Fx If Function : Show/Hide in Power Apps #shorts

April Dunnam posted: "#shorts #PowerFx #PowerAppsWe'll explore the If function in Power Fx and see how we can use it in a Power Apps canvas app to conditionally show or hide a control. I'll explain what the Power Fx If function does, explore use cases and show a demo of showin"

[New post] Log Out of a Power App: Power Fx Exit Function #shorts

April Dunnam posted: "#shorts #PowerFx #Exit #PowerAppsSee how to log out of your Power Apps applications with the Power Fx Exit function. You can choose if you want to simply close the app or close the app and log out of Office 365 completely. See how it works and why you mig"

[New post] Mac標準のスクリーンショットの保存形式のPNGからJPEGへの変更方法

senooken posted: " 先日、「Mac標準のスクリーンショットの撮影方法」を投稿した。その際に、スクリーンショットの画像がPNG形式のため、ファイルサイズが大きいことが気になると書いた。 調べたところ、Macの設定でスクリーンショットの画像形式をPNGからJPEGに変更できるようなので、備忘録として手順を残す。macOS Big Sur (v11.3.1) で確認した。 「【解決】Mac(マック)のスクショの保存形式をjpgに変更する方法 - ひゃくやっつ」を参考にした。 Terminalから以下のコマンドで、JPEG形"

Generate a catchy title for a collection of newfangled music by making it your own

Write a newfangled code fragment at an earlier stage to use it. Then call another method and make sure their input is the correct one. The s...