I retrieve an object from a stack of documents: a postcard for a show called "Pacts and Invocations: Magic and Ritual in Contemporary Art." Peering into the depths of the image, I see what lies within. 'Twas a hard day but we got through it. Word-sounds, hyperobjects. Goin' round eatin' nuggets and fries. I feel devastated by a loss borne by someone close, and by all of the various "operations" running around, upon, and through me: vaccines, medicines, doctors, treatments. Sarah recommends RuPaul's Drag Race as we talk over dinner. Frankie sits beside us drinking milk from a sippy cup. Home afterwards, I receive word of a friend's talk on Psychoanalysis and Psychedelics. Another friend shares a line from a Gerard Manley Hopkins poem: "Selfyeast of spirit a dull dough sours." The line is from "I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day," one of Hopkins's so-called "Terrible Sonnets" of the 1880s. I think of the day's arrivals as fodder for my meeting with my therapist. Doubt and depression weigh upon me when I contemplate my lack of accomplishment. Hopkins's poem, though, I remind myself, remained unpublished until decades after the poet's passing. Listening now to the talk by my friend the psychoanalyst, I'm made to think about "resonance," a concept the friend extracts from Terence McKenna and Erik Davis. The latter defines resonance as "a phenomenon of interpenetration and mutual participation, of the blurring of the boundary between subject and object, something that is much easier to hear than to see. Hear it I do as I pause the video and make time for Time for the Tams (1965). "Finally," Nate says, "it is a form of coincidence." All of which puts me in mind, of course, of Jung's concept of synchronicity. Other phrases resonate here as well: "uncanny contact." Nate reads Valis as the story of a psychosis. "Truth serum" administered in the wake of the removal of Dick's "wisdom" tooth provokes Dick's realization that reality is an illusion. Dick's Exegesis, Nate argues, "is a tome of coincidence. [...]. Valis, meanwhile, is a novelization of the Exegesis." Valis allows Dick to split himself in two. He is both Horselover Fat, the subject who experiences, and Phil, the subject who narrates. Dick is also several other characters in the novel: the cynic, the Christian optimist. Each character a facet of the author's psyche.