Something happened today that drove home this point for me: at any moment, life can look different.
That difference doesn't have to be bad, of course. And in my case, it won't be.
But how often do we just reject difference right off the bat, simply because we've gotten used to the way things are?
I've had to really take a hard look at how allergic I am to any kind of discomfort... once I enter into a new situation, I like to make myself at home, so to speak. Maybe hang a couple photos on the wall, take off my shoes, get used to the way things are.
And after I've done that, I don't want to move for quite a while.
But what if shifting – just a little – is exactly what I need to truly feel at home? What if change is really needed?
Life's not perfect for me right now, as it's perfect for no one. I have thoughts that haunt me, some heart wounds still healing. My pillow doesn't always stay dry through the night.
But I'm grateful that I'm at least in a better mental space than I was in last year. And that's because I allowed my life to change the way it needed to. And I'll do it again.
I broke my promise (to myself) to update this blog more often. I'll try to make that right; this is an outlet I'm really gonna need moving forward.
In any case, keep breathing. Also, stay tuned for some exciting (and well overdue) news. 

Follow my blog for more of my thoughts on basically everything, and follow me on Instagram @denaeculp.writer and Twitter @denaeculpwriter for more poetry, quotes, and pseudo-inspiring randomness.
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