Because there will always be a person in the world.

in your arms, destined to slip away at any moment,

because even while you're looking for something, you're gazing up

far into the abyss of the night sky,

You're only gazing backwards;

what has been and what has passed away

to have finally looked you in the eyes,

We are all mirrors, after all.

and everyone is a reflection of themselves;

your life's vision, which became unfathomable

staring at my stubby fingers,

your trepidation in front of me, my essence

in the sky up and above

at the ocean's depths,

Your words, my self-reflection, my song to the passage of time,

another's tenderness at having been comprehended

It would be if there was a divine.

the never-ending river of Nothing,

as well as the fact that when you glanced at

You glanced at me as if I had already passed you by.

As if my world had already sunk, and I had already departed because I loved you, and because I kissed your lips and murmured, "Stay, I love you,"

All that is to come is already over, and all that is over is life, all this is why the celestial spark is chaotic.

We're all a little in love with death because we're always only in love with the memories...

!! अभय !!!

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