First, I got up late again. This is becoming a pattern that I think is not because of laziness (although that might play a part), but my body. I mean, fatigue. Part of the symptoms of sciatica (or whatever the heck I got) is that I can be tired...even I get a full 8 hours of sleep ( or more).

So, I've decided to give myself a little more than 8 hours. For now, I am moving wakeup time to 5:30.

The other thing was the emphasis on rest and adaptation. If I were not experiencing nerve damage, I would probably do running outside. As of right now, I can't, so I walk. If needed, I take breaks.

I now listen to my body a lot more now than I used to.

This also leads to my next point about motivation.

I've been down about this myscterious chronic illness (currently diagnosed as chronic sciatica) for A LONG time. It has altered the way I move, my dreams, everything (and that's just the symptoms I'm open to sharing!)

But, I've come to a point where I realize I have to create something within this boundary.

No, I cannot run like Usain Bolt or even a fast-moving grandma, but I can build up an awesome body, I can slow down the progression of sciatica through walking and lower leg/back rehab, I can create something.

It took a while to even consider that because sciatica and chronic illness (in general) had a hold on me. I don't know if I can ever run with my future son. I don't know if this will "chronic disease" will progress into a wheelchair or one day just go. (The doctor doesn't even know).

I do know that I can use all of the wisdom I gained about eating better, moving better, Wim Hof to not live my life many in my family already think I am.

Lastly, I reached my savings goal just like that! All I had to do was make an automatic 10% from my paycheck and it's there!

5am Club

Hour of Power: Move-Missed Reflect-Completed (approximately) 10 minutes of box breathing and 5 minutes visualization Read-Finished skimming "Becoming a Supple Leopard" I will buy this book because there is just too much to learn. It inspired bracing practice (learning to sit and stand with better posture) and movement repair (Lacrosse ball/foam roller) and also got me more into functional/primal movement away from my earlier obsession with just doing a lot of pushups and situps and going nowhere. Working with kettlebells and simple basic movements, for me, has actually been effective .

Nex book is Movement: Functional Movement Systems. From Kelly Starrett, I learned the importance of screening, assessment, and repair. So now, instead of just trying to do a lot of reps, I'm actually looking at how I perform these exercises.

I will be skimming this book to decide if I want to buy and then going to "No Holds Barred Fighting: The Ultimate Guide to Conditioning: Elite Exercises and Training for NHB Competition and Total Fitness (No Holds Barred Fighting series). I want to focus on primal movements, combatives, weapons, and old-school fitness (kettlebells, etc.).

At some point, I know, I will need a mentor, but for now, I'm just dabbling through these books to pick up simple exercises I can do now until that time.

60 Minute Student (30 Days of Python): Day 18 of 30. Yesterday, I completed the hour of study. I went over more function theory and a little more introduction on Python history.

75 Hard Prep

Workout A (Kettlebells/Madbarz workout-45 minutes): Day 12. I know I did the first half (upper body, but I didn't do the ab workout portion, so only 25 minutes.

8 Critical Tasks Did 5 yesterday

Workout B (Walking outside-45 minutes) -Over 45 minutes total, there were starts and stops

Gallon of Water: Half a gallon

5 min Cold Shower/Wim Hof I actually joined a 3-day Wim challenge which involves breathing, cold shower, front/reverse bends, and pushups. (Yes, I did forward bends during a work break).

Progress Photo Done


90 No Fapping Day . (Day 103 no porn). Little over 24 hours from reaching Day 45 of 90.

60 Days Kettlebell : Day 53 of 60: I did get a warmup in yesterday, but not much else.


Employee: Day 2 of 60-Day Upgrade

Gig: Total $8.19. Missed

Freelancing: Did not finish profile yesterday or the next day.. Scheduled 30 minutes today. Let's see if I get to it

High-Income Skill Development: Day 3 of 30: Python- 1 hour Copywriting-9 cold emails written. (I caught up on this.) You can find them here. Strategy- 4 lessons watched. Plan for website underway(I'm behind on this)

Save: Total: $152.20.

Invest: Totals: Real estate: $21.50 Stocks: $20 . P2P Lending: $26.92

So yeah...

In short, (Bold is done)

Complete 30 days of 5am club

Complete at least one 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase I

Complete the next 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase 2

Continue 90 days of No porn and no fapping

Complete ITU online course prep in 30 days

Complete 30 days of Python

Complete the Python automation certificate on Coursera

Complete the Python certification Free Code Camp

Complete Project Management course on Coursera

Have $100 of an emergency fund in my bank account

Invest at least $100 in real estate by the end of this year

Invest $100 in the stock market by the end of this year

Invest $100 in peer-to-peer lending by the end of this year

Spend 30 days building high-income skills

Complete 30 days of Yoga (Done) and 60 days of kettlebell

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