Well I've done it. I finally made it to the end of theKnews.


I started this project as a way of getting to grips with the basics of the React framework using a project that offered challenge without being overwhelming in scope. Just an extension of the React Cards tutorial I completed prior. Since I started this on 6th August 2018, I've had multiple jobs and lived through a global pandemic.

Of course, I haven't spent 3 years of work on this, it's a lot closer to around 12 months of actual development with periods of restarting the project as I revisited it from time to time in between work(along with periods where life got in the way). I would say overall, around 8-12 months of my actual life have been put into theKnews, most of that in the last year.

I have, for once, decided against a huge blog post going over every change I have made since my last post covering 12.10.4. The truth is, that while I have a a fair amount I could talk about, I don't feel the need to.


These posts where never about the reader, they where designed to keep me moving forward. Allowing me the chance to revisit milestones in my progress and to look back on my work while thinking about anything I missed or needed to focus on. Seeing my thoughts written down allowed for the opportunity to revaluate and think about whether I'm on the right path.

Well, there's nothing else to discuss and I am at the end of the path. My to-do list is at 99%. 1163 of the 1173 total tasks complete(the remaining to be marked off after this blog is complete and I have truly signed off on the project)

It's also, I think, fitting that for a project where I so often spent months away from this blog, that after another period away(2 months, interrupted by about 11 days of no internet which is the longest 11 days of my life, and family loss) that I end theKnews without a massive 10,000 word diatribe on what I could have done better or how I can improve things.

I can honestly spend hours talking about what is wrong with theKnews and how I could make things better, if someone ever finds this and is genuinely interested, then hit me up chrisdunne66@gmail.com and I'll get it into it. I have 100+ hours of recorded footage that I can share. The change list on the portfolio page should be enough to tell you what I've been up to that past 2 months if that's what your after.

Moving On

Even if I haven't spent 3 years of actual development time, it has been the only show in town except for 2 small side projects. With that in mind I've been taking conscious steps to scale back the project from my initial plans. There is no CMS functionality, i removed the recommended reading section and my idea of turning theKnews into an actual RSS reader was put to the side in favour drawing a line in the sand.

I was at risk of letting this go on and on which would be a mistake. If there's a skill or element i want to use, then I can better utilise it in a new project rather than constantly add to a project that takes up the same amount of space in my portfolio regardless of how much I add to it. Which is the point of these projects, to demonstrate my skills and knowledge, and only having 2 items as my main advert to employees is embarrassing for the length of time I've been out of work.

All good things

No, it needed to end and so I'll end it like this.

theKnews encompassed one of the most complicated periods of my life. I've struggled with motivation in career direction, as well as life in general, while attempting a career pivot from the data entry based ecommerce, to web design and development.

theKnews has allowed me to focus on what I enjoy doing which is front end web design and development. Even if I'm not the finished article, I'm getting better and eager to learn.

There is a common saying that if you love what you do, it never feels like work. theKnews isn't something I'm comfortable summing up like that as there have been some low points along the way, but even then those low points and stumbles have helped me grow and improve as a developer. Which is, i suppose, reflective of life in general.

Still, theKnews is the best job I've ever had.

Portfolio Link - https://christopherdunne.co.uk/the-knews/

Github - https://github.com/xScottishKrissx/the-knews-live

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