Today makes two years to the day, of when you extinguished our love. Or maybe it was me. It was after all, always me. At least that's what you told me. Like a morning prayer, always feeling words areas of improvement for how I could see things in a better light, your light.

I don't know how my perspective was always in darkness, I was one of the happiest people I knew. Maybe I was in your shadow-- not lurking, but nestled there. You insured I had a cot and comfort; for all intensive purposes, you owned all parts of me like a multi-layer tool box. Each compartment, each crevice, you claimed what resided there. Such a thought that someone you loved kidnapped that kind of power. To take hostage of someone you love is an abuse of power but to make such an accusation outloud- an abomination. I wouldn't dare say that out loud, but maybe two years fits me well. So I put it in ink and sent it out to the world. Stamped with desire for improvement, I hoped to grow beyond a simple toolbox. Rusting the latch, I finally break free. Now, I can write the true story of us.

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