The sold press may be praising the buyer today, bridging the gap in exchange for certain expectations, and committing perception fraud.

But the day will come when the sale press writes and spends to show that he is a supporter in exchange for more powerful individuals and higher money.

Money is the "only master" of the purchased person.

Nobody has the right to complain about a lack of honesty and candour in an environment where the trajectory of his pen's word is fed by the one who looks at the money.

The clean press serves as a model for a clean society, and the clean society serves as a model for the clean press…

By liking a post, purchasing a newspaper, becoming a member of a media organ and following it, clicking a link, sharing its articles, reading its news, and watching a channel or programme, you invigorate and strengthen yourself.

Remember: Who you empower is one of the most crucial components of the society you will live in, your quality of life, your children's future, and the nation's fate.

Rather than being furious about what has been purchased, the essential thing to do is not tolerating those who provide bonuses to unqualified people who can be bought, and to avoid automatically trusting and believing in the wrong people in order to make the bad, the average reasonable, and right in society.

Being a conscious consumer, getting rid of thought laziness, adding value to ourselves and gaining knowledge in order to not give anyone who is a fraudster an opportunity, not believing everything we hear and see, questioning, synthesising, and researching is what will propel us to the level of modern civilizations…

!! अभय !!

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