As a rule, memory storage plays a critical role in Python programming, but "memory leak in Python2" can result in major storage problems. There is no doubt that memory is the most critical factor in keeping any program functioning effectively and efficiently, and even memory allows a program to carry out various instructions and collect data. 

Python programs can face memory leaks when too much-unused data is stored up in them and not removed.  If this happens, you must fix the Python program's memory leak. 

What Is A Memory Leak?

In general, memory leaks are considered a continuous loss of computer memory. Memory leaks occur when a program fails to return storage obtained for temporary use. 

In any program, leaks of memory can reduce storage space and fill up program memory. In that case of insufficient space, the program can begin working slowly and eventually fail to run. 

What Is Memory Leak In Python

There is a memory leak in this program, as well as many others in the Python language. It is considered a memory leak when the memory of a Python program fills up with too many unused objects that don't get removed. 

Major Causes Of Memory Leak In Python

The Python programming language also suffers from memory leaks. As a result of Python's garbage collector not eliminating and removing unused or unreferenced data during development, the memory leak is caused. Python programmers have already extended many unique features that allow unused storage to be automatically freed by python developers in order to address the problem of memory leaks. In this section, we discuss in detail the major causes of memory leaks in Python:-

Large objects lingering in the memory that isn't released

In most cases, lingering objects occur when the domain controller is not able to replicate higher than the tombstone lifetime. Such situations usually lead to the domain controller reconnecting to the replication topology. When the domain controller is offline, you remove any object from the active directory. Underlying libraries are not available.

Reference styles in the code

In order to prevent or detect memory leaks, referencing style is a critically important factor. References to objects have unique addresses and classes, so they do not make definite duplicates. It will result in memory leaks if an object is no longer being used in any program and cannot be garbage collected because it is referred to in a different location within the application. 

Different Methods To Fix Memory Leak In Python

There's no doubt that it's necessary for you to fix memory leaks in your program before it crashes. You can resolve problems with Python memory leaks using the Python memory manager while you're working with it. Applications read and write data. Additionally, memory management in Python can be used to delete any unused data from storage. Through the elimination of all unused data in memory, it is helpful in improving memory efficiency. In this section we have discussed 2 methods to fix Python memory leaks:-

With the use of Debug method 

The garbage collector inbuilt module is used to debug memory usages in python programming. It will list all objects recognized by the garbage collectors. Debugging enables the user to determine where enough Python memory is being utilized. Once the user has filtered everything based on usage, they can go ahead and look at the results. You can avoid Python memory leaks by removing any objects that are not used in such a condition.

With the use of the Tracemalloc method 

Among the best inbuilt Python features is Tracemalloc. With the Tracemalloc application, you can quickly and effectively solve the "memory leak" problem in Python. It is easy to connect an object to the exact place where it was allocated using the Tracemalloc method. 


Python is known as one of the most popular programming languages in the world at the present time. The problem with Python memory leaks is that they can damage or slow down the program. The topic of Memory Leak In Python has already been covered in this blog, including Different Methods To Fix Memory Leak In Python. 

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