Big Idea: I'm actually still building my life when I thought...even with MS?

When I got the diagnosis of MS, I literally thought everything was over: My nerdery, my business ideas, my freelancing ideas, and my hope of ever doing a workout program again.

Was I wrong?

Through the books I've read, "Code of Extraordinary Mind", "Love Your Life Like Your LIfe Depends on It", "Commanding Your Morning" and "Big Magic"....I'm starting to question the story that I could never be what I thought I could be.

In addition, I'm starting to see that all of the stuff I've been through and read, "75 Hard", "5am Club" , "Discipline Equals Freedom", Gibborim, those crazy workouts, those crazy attempts at programming...all of it might actually be for this moment.

So, I'm going to reattempt 75 Hard...but I will ALWAYS veer on the side of my health. If my body sends me a sharp message of "Stop" or "That food is messing you up", I will stop.


I will be putting 75 Hard Phase 2 (30 Days) here when I start. I will be following the Big But Boring Challenge . This is similar to what I tried with the Creed diet plan, but a little more specific.

Mind: This area will focus on learning new skills, particularly software testing automation with Python. I've narrowed my focus here...also anything else I want to learn to live what "Big Magic" calls a "creative life".

Business: This area will focus on the eBay (reselling), Shopify (POD), and job board that I'm working on. Results will be shared on my other blog I have a preliminary schedule and will be following it...but I can't guarantee I won't change and evolve this idea

Spirit: This will focus on two areas, Hour of Power in the morning (20 minutes of exercise, meditation/visualization, and reading) and Hour of Restoration at night (20 minutes of reading, meditation/visualization, and reflection/prep.

I will not hold onto a strict guideline for the Hour of Power/Resotration. If I need sleep, I can the time short or eliminate altogether. The point is to set an anchor to start and end my day.

I already start the day with Bible study and prayer.

With this, we'll see where I end up...and also where I screw up.

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