Big Idea: Habits Try to Pull You Back

One thing I've noticed is that the day AFTER you set up big goals...everything seems to crap because you are smack dab back in your life as it was not as you want it to be.

I had all of these ideas for businesses, writing, etc....and I end up spending overtime on my job and just basically screw up my wonderfully planned schedule.

But, maybe that's the test...not how beautiful I can make my to-do list...but how persistent can I be on the goals I have set?


Day 1 of 5 (Before meditation) BPM: 76 B/P: 107/66 HRV: 268

(After meditation) BPM: 71 B/P: 102/68 HRV: 354?

Dat 2 of 5 (Before meditation)

(Before meditation) BPM: 72 B/P: 133/66 HRV: 78

(After meditation) BPM: 81 bpm B/P 112/60 HRV: 100

Day 3 of 5 (Missed)

Day 4 (Missed also because of some changes)

Day 5 (Missed...)

Day 6 (Before meditation) BPM: 81 B/P: 97/76? HRV: 225

(After meditation)

Day 7 Missed

Day 8 OK, I'm just screwing this tracking up lol

Day 9 (Before Meditation) BPM: 77 B/P: 93/76 HRV: 119

Day 10 (I really didn't check after meditation, but should have...BPM: 71 B/P: 132/80 HRV: 100

Today's Results

5am club "Hour of Power" Practice

  1. Read a book for 20 minutes- Started "Big Magic: How to Live a Creative Life, and Let Go of Your Fear"
  2. Meditate for 20 minutes-
  3. Stretch/Strong App Workout for 20 minutes-Stretching

Modified 75 Hard-Updated

  1. Take a progress photo.
  2. Workout B: 2,322 steps. I made need to upgrade the 2,000 steps things
  3. Complete top 3 goals-Nothing

Glasses of water: 5/5 cups today.

Nutrition: 2,181/3500 calories. I am not giving myself time to eat again!!

Fitness: 20 minute stretch.2,090 steps.

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