My youngest grandson Dada on Ampersand Aquaboard. 11x14 watched a NWS zoom video on how to paint on Aquaboard with Ali Cavanaugh then we painted on our own. Came together for a critique on Saturday.
Lots of thin layers. Rather reminded me of the class I took with Mario Robinson a few years ago. Lots of sheer thin layers.
Sorry the pics aren't better.
Hours later. I scratched his hit with my Olfa box cutter as I listened to the critiques.

Need to work on making the bubbly background Ali does which I love. This is a screen shot from her Instagram feed so you can go followed her. She also has a patreon page for $20 a month to encourage portrait painting which I think I will do sooner or later.

Margaret xoxoxo

Fall trees in my yard. If I could change anything about my house it would be to put some of my front yard trees in the treeless backyard. The previous owners cut them all down when they put in the pool. Anyone want a pool. Please come and get it. Trade you for a few trees and maybe a patio.
Waiting for this beauty to go red. Maybe by my birthday Sunday?! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Margaret xoxoxox