Where does the time go?
Outside my window, the world moves like a ghost melody,

the hastened strides of all the days we've lost tap on the windowpane as they rush on with the gloomy levy of the autumn downpour,

they beckon for me from someplace within,

I don't need to look, but I know I have to go now, that I have to follow — but where?
Is it a place where all the broken things return?
Is there a chance you and I may cross paths again?
What happens to what we've forgotten?
It's so lonesome to be able to comprehend existence.

It is cruel and unforgiving to those who are willing to wait.
Being alive is so lonely.
I can't handle the stillness, so I ask questions I don't really want you to answer.

What exactly am I looking for?
I am nothing more than the things I've given away.
The present — this strew of increasing sensations that holds us all together;

You might think you've caught up with the flow of time as it passes you by, but the now is an illusion; it doesn't belong here, 
You can think you've caught up with the passing of time, 
but the now is an illusion; it doesn't belong here, and it's everything except the present.
"The past is now, and it is also the future," so where do I fit in?

I'm nothing but all the ways I've wounded people, except for what I'm becoming right now, oh how I dread him.
I'm nothing but all the ways I've wounded people, except for what I'm becoming right now, oh how I dread him. This is something I dread.
To take a realistic look at the world.
I'm afraid the world doesn't owe it to us to notice the crater we leave where we once weighed a lifetime — 
or that we don't owe it to each other to remember our first breaths in each other's mouth— rabbit hearts out in the blizzard, 

And I believe something bad has occurred to me.
I thought I drowned, yet I was able to breathe, 
I thought I drowned, but I was able to breathe somehow, and now the air feels so thin, and the breath that comes so readily doesn't feel real;

I've sunk so deep within, in the fever pit of the whale floating in the world's backyard, except I don't know where it's bringing me...

!! अभय !!


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