Some time back I had a late-night chat with medieval historian Tim O'Neill about all things Galileo Galilei; late night for me that is, early morning for him. Unbeknown to me the sneaky Aussie bugger recorded my ruminations on the Tuscan mathematicus; they're like that those antipodeans, duplicitous. Now he's gone and posted the whole affair on YouTube, for all the world to see.

 I may have to have plastic surgery and move to an unknown destination in South America.

However, if you have a strong stomach and like to watch train wrecks or are just curious what the Renaissance Mathematicus looks like in real life, then you can find the whole horrible mess on Tim's History for Atheists YouTube channel in three obscenely long parts:

The Galileo Affair Part 1 

The Galileo Affair Part 2 

The Galileo Affair Part 3  

 Who knows, if enough people can be fooled into watching it, I might become the next Paris Hilton! 

WARNING: Not suitable for children or viewers with high moral standards: Expletives not deleted!