What people see in the blog post is me figuring out my life in a semi-strategic fashion.

What people don't see is my breakdowns, prayers, time when chronic pain gets too much, piles of paper with ideas, my Googling like 1,000 things, those things crashing, etc.

Also, I happened across someone who actually did get a drone license...and it got me thinking.

I run from challenges that involve money.

My first instinct when I saw the $175 for the drone license or the other challenges was "Well, I didn't plan for that."

I've done this, over and over again....including college

Instead of trying to figure out how I was going to pay for college without financial aid, I ran.


75 Hard: I am on Day 18. For Workout A, I did a full fledged for kettlebells at night with warmup, upper body, core, exercises that need practice and exercises in the app, and cooldown. Halo not perfect, but getting better. OK with Half Turkish Get up on right side, more than the left side. I did add lower leg exercises but slow.

Signed up for the 10,000 Kettlebell challenge, which begins after 30 days. Will test with a 100 rep challenge on Sunday, health permitting.

For Workout B, I did walking.

90 Days No Porn & No Fapping Day 7.

30 Days Kettlebell: I am on Day 15, the halfway point, actually did 20 reps, except of lower body, On Friday, I move to the Advanced workout.


Computer Repair: I'm procrastinating on this. I signed up for the exam and committing to completing this within 12 weeks or drop this goal. I'm beginning with an in-depth course on ITU online,.

Software Testing: I did finish this. Setting date for exam.

Networking: Dropped

Drones: This will be dropped for now. I will finish up the introductory lesson on drones


Investing:Investing and savings plan completed. Set up tomorrow

In short, (Bold is done)

Complete at least one 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase I

Continue 90 days of No porn and no fapping

Comlete ASTQB certificate training within 60 days

Complete Dr. Boyce Watkins's Investing & Money Mindset course within a week

Buy a kettlebell to start a badass indoor (apartment) gym.

Complete an introductory drone courses

Complete 30 days of Yoga (Done), Kettlebells, And Mace Workout

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