Azure IoT Edge makes it possible to run extensive logic within your factory, building, vehicle, etc. while it's connected to the cloud.

This way we are able to monitor the underlaying sensors and protocols and measure what's happening on the Edge. We are even capable of making predictions, both on the Edge and in the Cloud, of what is going to happen based on the current measurements and the data received over the last hour, month, year, etc.

On a meta level, Azure IoT Edge also comes with features so we are able to monitor the edge device itselve. Think about monitoring metrics or logging.

Still, these feature are mostly centralized around the edge modules and runtime. Due to the edge logic being sand-boxed, this is fine.

Still, we want to be able to go beyound the logic we de deployed.

It would be nice if we would be able to break out of that sand box and get some information about the Docker/Moby environment, IoT Edge runtime daemon, etc.:

This is actually offered!

Azure IoT Edge offers a so-called 'support bundle'.

It is a actually a bundle of files with eg. logging, taken from various sources and makes it availble so you can support your edge device.

It contains:

  • module logs
  • IoT Edge security manager logs
  • Container engine logs
  • 'iotedge check' JSON output
  • other useful debug information

It's even possible to retrieve these files 'over the air'.

This makes remote diagnostics possible for all your Azure IoT Edge devices!

Note: This blog post can be considered as part two of Towards zero-touch IoT Edge with edgeAgent direct methods.

Let's take a closer look at this.

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