When debugging microservices, it can be challenging for developers to identify the root cause of issues. Luckily, distributed tracing can help.

source: https://dzone.com/articles/logging-vs-tracing-why-logs-arent-enough-to-debug

When debugging microservices, it can be challenging for developers to identify the root cause of issues. Not to mention the time it takes and how frustrating it is to search through endless logs across multiple services.

With all these challenges, however, there is a silver lining:  distributed tracing.

Distributed tracing can help your developers with tracking requests across services (but more on that later).

Let's dive into what distributed tracing is, its benefits, and the role it plays in your teams' system. We'll also cover which tools developers can use to implement distributed tracing in a cloud-native environment.

But first, in order to understand where tracing fits in your microservices debugging process and why you might even need them in the first place, let's identify the challenges that debugging with logs pose.

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