Hi, I just thought about some of these information that I may have forgotten, so I decided to add it to the blog.


There are indeed drums in scratch and they serve the exact same purpose of drums. To create music or noise ,of course. ( If you don't like drums, then I can't think of anything in that section that can replace that) Drum and Note blocks which makes music can be found in the very small extension corner at the bottom left of your screen (or bottom right if you are in the computer)

Now unless you cannot see , there is a huge button that you can click called " Music". If you still cannot see ,please speak to your medical practitioner immediately.

I trust you know how to use a block by now. You can try out the different sounds and notes to see which of them best suits you ( I am not a music person myself either) From there you can make songs or musicals on Scratch.

Video Sensing

Also another extension, you can use. Video sensing will need you to turn on camera. You can customise and make games using it such as a game where you could place a sprite and when you touch it , it can move to a random position and then you will need to try to touch it again.

Do try out all the blocks and what they do.....

  • When Video Motion > () — This hat block starts its script if video motion is larger than the specified value.
  • Turn Video () — This block can turn the video on, off, or on-flipped (flipped horizontally).
  • Set Video Transparency to () — This block can set the transparency of the webcam output. Setting it to 100 makes it completely white, and 0 is a normal camera.
  • Video () on () — This reporter block can be accessed and used by any sprite, or the Stage. The first dropdown menu has options "motion" and "direction". The second contains a list of all the sprites.

All these are just for your information, so do experience them yourself too.


This will be a very short introductory part on loops.

Loops just like rubber band repeat the action played or the input continuously. Some loops will do so until a criteria is met while others will do so forever.Most of these blocks in scratch can be found in the Control section and are mostly C blocks (C my Foreigner's guide to Scratch blog post for more) . They are very, very ,very important indeed.(I cannot just possibly understate their importance)

We shall continue our adventures of the mysterious loop and investigate why games are so loopy and droopy.

But for now, bye bye.

Mr. Elephant, signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off signing off (This couldn't possibly be a loop, right?)

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