In machine learning, multiclass classification is the problem of classifying between more than two classes. It is also known as multinomial classification. Simply put, when the target column in your dataset contains more than two classes, then you are working on a multiclass classification problem. You will find several project ideas on the Internet about binary classification, but if you are looking for project ideas on multiclass classification, this article is for you. In this article, I will introduce you to machine learning projects on Multiclass Classification.

Machine Learning Projects on Multiclass Classification

Iris Flower Classification

Iris Flower Classification is one of the most popular case studies among the data science community. Here you are given a dataset of iris flower species with their features, and you have to train a classification model to classify iris species according to their features. If you are a beginner and have never tried to solve a problem before, you should start with this multiclass classification problem. You can find this machine learning project on classifying iris flowers using Python from here.

Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection

Hate speech detection is a natural language processing problem in machine learning. You will find many datasets based on hate speech detection, but most of them are based on the problem of binary classification. Recently I found a dataset on Kaggle where our task is to classify texts into hate speech, offensive language, and neither offensive nor hate. This makes this dataset suitable for a machine learning project based on multiclass classification. You can find this machine learning project on hate speech and offensive language detection using Python from here.

News Classification

News classification is the task of classifying news articles before publishing them so that the user can easily find the kind of news that interests them the most. In this task, you need to train a machine learning model to classify news categories based on the news headlines. The dataset that you will find for this problem includes categories such as sports, business, politics, tech, and entertainment. You can find this machine learning project on news classification from here.


So these were some of the best machine learning project ideas on multiclass classification. Multiclass Classification is the problem of classifying between more than two classes. It is also known as Multinomial Classification. I hope you liked this article on machine learning projects on multiclass classification. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.