The past few days have been inconsistent in terms of things which I was working on. On one day, I picked up a book. The next seconds, I got a gig. On yet another occasions, I sketched. It's hard to find a topic to talk to. But then I read an article that says about developers should write a journal (which I've done albeit not too regularly), I decided to write whatever comes up to my mind. Well, it's not like I've been writing a "useful" blog post, so I don't have a pressure to write a good post anyway.

My intended focus for a short future is to grind my MERN stack skills, namely Node.js and MongoDB. I'm currently focusing on Node.js by continuing on reading Node in Action by Mike Cantelon. I picked up the book not too long ago before I dropped it for the time being since I decided to do projects. My goal for picking this book is to use Node.js beyond web applications. To think about it, Node.js is so much more than HTTP servers and APIs. There's quite a few low level stuff such as file systems, streams, and buffer which I could learn more about. Web application just happened to be my main path. For the bigger picture, I have been interested in computer in general since I first touched it. That sounds romantic and you may think of me to be a prodigy. No, I'm not. I'm just a regular human who spends his time writing code.

Anyway, I have learned the surface level of a few good things in Node.js such as Net socket, file systems, and currently HTTP server. The book taught me about building a simple chat application using I've come to a good understanding about Web Sockets in general as I describe it to be "Two computers throwing events at each other". I've also learned about creating a simple echo server where I connect to it using multiple terminals and when I write to one of the terminal, the others will echo the characters at the same time. Those and many more to come.

Right now, I'm on the web application section of the book. It's still the main strength of Node.js, so I still want to know more about it. I mean, HTTP server without Express? Why not? Haha. Let's continue this talk later tomorrow. Thank you for reading my post and have a good day.

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