Welcome to week 32 of my $200 savings challenge and for once I'm not outrageously late with my update. To be fair, I'm not exactly on time either, but definitely better than last week. Progress...

For those unfamiliar with this blog, here's a quick summary. The goal of this challenge is to save an extra $200 a week either through earning more or spending less, if everything goes to plan, then by the end of the year I'll have saved a tick over 10K. Now, I'm going to keep this post nice and short because this week was eerily similar to last week. Lockdown will do that, I guess.

Like last week, I had no extra cash coming in so I was totally reliant on tightening my belt to hit the $200 target. Once again, I didn't spend anything on lunches throughout the week - $50 saved. But, the midweek takeout dinner trend also continued, so no savings there. Normally, I try to avoid takeout as it's quite pricey and I'm almost always disappointed with the order. It's very difficult to find something that travels well and is value for money. Unfortunately, the last few weeks haven't exactly been glowing examples of avoiding the temptation of takeout. This lack of discipline probably would have annoyed me not so long ago, but after 11 weeks of being in lockdown, I think a little bit of indulgence is in order.

In better news, I reached peak coffee savings this week. Not a single cent was spent on coffee outside of my Nespresso pods. This marks the first time in probably five or six years that I've gone an entire week without buying a café coffee. A saving of $47.6.

To round out my savings for the week we have the usual suspects - $50 saved from rent following our rent reduction earlier in the year, $47 saved on train fares due to lockdown and $17 on my suspended gym membership also due to lockdown.

Extra Earnings: $0

Reduced Spending: $211.60

Total Savings: $211.60

Result: $11.60 over the target

And there we have it. The second week in a row I've managed to hit the target through reduced spending alone. It's always a nice feeling to add everything up at the end of the week and to see such positive numbers.

Well, that's it from me. Until next time.


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