Well, dont get me wrong. Today's it is not about some high end escort service, not about some lap dances at Vegas, not about those glass façade stores in Amsterdam and definitely not about the sleazy brothels of Mumbai. The title is just a pun, something that I simply enjoy to do, this little of pay of words. now that is something which arouses my interest, again pun intended.

One of Indias benchmark indices, the Sensex, hit the 60K mark for the first time this Friday 24th Sep'21. You might have read countless articles in newspapers, seen many Youtubers talk about it, seen so- called 'experts' on TV about what caused this to happen & where we are headed next, someone telling us which stocks to buy now at the market peak, which to avoid, so on and so forth.

I got exposed to the stock markets pretty late in my life. If I would ever have any regret in my life, it would be this one. And even after that first introduction to the stock market, I remained pretty dormant for another 4 years. And as soon as I started investing seriously, Covid hit and the markets crashed. But what kept me sane in those turbulent times was the coaching from my various teachers & I decided to stay put or rather, stay invested.

The most important thing that I have learnt during the different gyrations of the stock market is to stay calm. In my opinion, one should dump reading the newspapers daily ( at one point of time, I read 3 in a day), stop watching those business channels( CNBC, NDTV Profit, Zee Business, etc) and stop believing in stock 'tips' that your so called successful rich friend tells you everyday .

No one will ever know where the Sensex will go from this 60K milestone and when anything would happen. There will be a lot of talk about Cryptos, about geo-political instability in Afghanistan & North Korea, about the Evergrande crisis in China. Our job as investors is not to seek this kind of thrill with our hard earned money for investments. If you seek thrill, go to Disneyland. or even closer, to Essel World or Imagica. The stock market is a very dangerous place to make quick money.

Stay calm and patient, enjoy your life. Cut away the noise. I believe that's what will make one a good investor.

Enjoy your weekend!!

PC: some kind lady or gentleman who posted this pic on the internet