It has been a long week. I was thinking about a new format for posting my journal entries, mainly one for my blog and one for Instagram post. Previously, I would write mainly for my blog site and post a summary of it on Instagram. But since Instagram don't allow its users to provide links to their posts, it makes my Instagram post rather useless because of my intention of directing people who are interested in reading more of my journal to my blog. Of course I understood the power of Instagram as a more "gallery-like" of a social media and I should focus on images rather than text. That means I need to put a lot more effort on making a single Instagram post than usual because I need to tell my daily stories through pictures instead of text. Of course it will certainly be a good challenge for my graphic design skill. But for now, it's sad to say that I've succumbed to said challenge.

Here comes my excuses. When it comes to graphic design, I'm not as confident as I am in my web development skill. I don't have that weird kind of confidence where I think I could tackle every web development challenges that comes my way. That kind of mindset somewhat doesn't apply to my graphic design skills. It doesn't make sense, I know. Maybe I need to pull up a few switches to get the same high-level of self-efficacy. But basically, since I would spent my whole day doing creating works, I would be spent up when I need to design an Instagram post. I tried to lighten it up a bit by posting a post twice every week. But then it has been proven to be difficult to build such habit because it's not a daily task.

That's not even the worst part. As I try to wiggle through this, I left both my blog site and Instagram untended for quite some time by now. Notice that I haven't been writing blog post as routinely as I used to be. Well, that kind of put a sense of guilt on my shoulder. And the worst thing is as you may have experienced it yourself, if you have continuously build a good habit for a range of time, and once one of your good habit fell off of your daily routine, the others will start falling off as well. Kind of like a domino effect. I used to meditate, read, and write journal every day without much resistance from myself. But recently, I have done literally none of that. Well, damaged self-integrity can be painful too when you can't keep with your commitment.

Hence my effort to write this exact post is to cut that spiraling chain and get the hell out of it. I would restart my holy trinity of habit (meditate, read, and write a daily journal) from here onwards. I will temporarily give up with my effort to utilize Instagram's super power to expand my business and keep trying to find a solution to integrate new habit to my current one. That will conclude post No. 1 for September 19, let's move onto the next part (link to next post)…

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