We have been influence by AI technology in our daily life not just our electronic device but the way media providing data to each of us. In our past article, we focus on how can we build AI or understand AI machine learning algorithm. Today article, we will discuss on moral side of an AI machine. What happen if we have a Evil AI that starts to work against the legal framework. We explore this scenario with topic by Iyad Rahwan is Syrian-Australian computer scientist. Let explore his idea and couple of his topic.


Evil AI Cartoon

  • The great sci-fi author Isaac Asimov was among the first to recognize this unsettling risk.
  • In his 1942 short story "Runaround," later republished in the 1950 collection "I, Robot,"
  • Asimov set forth what he called the Three Laws of Robotics, which were designed to protect us from our synthetic progeny.
  • First: A robot may not injure a human being, or allow one to come to harm through inaction.
  • Second: A robot must obey human orders, as long as they don't contradict the first law.
  • Third: A robot must protect itself, but only to the extent that it doesn't conflict with the first and second laws

AI, the new evil in town

  • Oscar Wilde reportedly once said, "Hear no evil, speak no evil, and you won't be invited to cocktail parties." Why is evil so fascinating to people?
  • AI appears to be a totally new kind of agent for evil.
  • It sits somewhere between what philosophers and theologians call natural evil, like an entire village being killed by an avalanche, and moral evil, like the same village being killed by soldiers.
  • While AI is not a human, it may exhibit some of the qualities that we associate with humans, such as autonomy and adaptability.
  • Hence, AI will freedom to adapt and autonomy, it has the free will to decide what happen next on his reaction.
  • All these reaction will somehow be programmed and flexible to mimic human.
  • Possible a good or evil guy will evolve through its reaction.

Threats of Evil AI

  • The ultimate threat from AI is the human existential threat.
  • It has been classified up there with other existential threats, including nuclear war, extreme climate change, global pandemics, asteroid impact, and hostile extraterrestrial life.
  • There are many ways in which AI could pose such an existential threat.
  • A super-intelligent AI may has desire to obliterate the human race, in order to maximize its own chance of survival.
  • If the AI is not programmed to value human life, or to use only designated resources, then it may attempt to take over all energy and material resources on Earth, and perhaps the universe.
  • Every existent of human depends in future AI Robot can exist to help or not to help human to survive.
  • We will have soon found out AI Robot existent is benefit or accelerate mother earth problems.

Scalable Evil AI

Features of Evil AI: Scalability
  • One of the characteristics of evil AI is that it reduces the cost of producing many intentional harms.
  • In addition, creating many copies of AI programs means that it is easy to replicate evil.
  • AI can also scale-up existential harm.
  • Today, going to war with another nation is a very expensive decision, both economically and politically.
  • If AI can make warfare more economically efficient, then governments may be more willing to go to war—they may become more trigger happy.
  • In summary, scaling up AI technology much driven by market force. We will soon cross the point that AI is cheap to work for intentional criminal.

Finally, hope you morally understand and keep asking questions to our society and AI inventors before too many AI machines take over from our life. Take care and happy reading.

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