Wow… I really should have kept writing the journal. I'm planning to reformat how I record my journal. I previously use Instagram and this blog for my journal. I would write a post just like this one, post it on this site, and I would also make an Instagram post to direct whoever have time to read my journal to this blog. It's not quite sustainable as I don't get that many traffic and Instagram does not allow me to write URLs for they're deemed suspicious. Also with that that format, I kind of not make a good use of Instagram's greatest power, which is "mobile friendly images", that is images that looks good on mobile screens. There is actually a guide to make a good Instagram post and make use of its power which I want to learn. It will be a bit more difficult because I need to put more effort on making an Instagram post as I essentially only copied my blog post prior to this point.

The August has been quite an unfocused month for me. I kind of jump around many things I want, mainly to improve my web development skills. For the whole month, I also tried to work based on my mood such as if I don't feel like writing code today, I would draw something. If I'm not in a mood of either of those, I would go read books for a whole day. And as you may have guessed, there was no structure in that kind of days. But on the other note, it was quite enjoyable for me.

The next focus is to build my personal website. Actually, I have almost finished its Minimum Viable Product (MVP) at the time of writing this post, so I would expect to launch it soon enough. That will be it for today's post. Thank you for reading and have a pleasant day.

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