Here are some character sketches for the book that my friend, Kevin, and I have been working on. Some characters turned out to be very different than Kevin had initially written in his earlier drafts. Tholoman, for example, was supposed to be a grizzled old human male. Now he's a "young" elf. We thought by making him younger we could have fun with the chemistry between him and the young girl protagonists. 

We've also been involving our daughters', too. Kevin runs all his revisions by his daughter, Clara. As for me, when I was sketching the Bokziks, a group of sometimes-half-animal antagonists, I didn't realize my oldest daughter, Ashley, was peering over my shoulder.

"Dad, you should make her a half-squirrel.", she said matter-of-factly. "It'd be cool."

"Yeah?", I looked up, startled.

So, I erased the crude "were-dog" that I had been working on and in its its place quickly scribbled out a bushy tail, squat hips, and tiny legs and feet.

"Like that?", I asked, unsure.

"Yeah!", she smiled back.

So, yeah, collaboration is fun. Sometimes it might even take you somewhere you never expected to be.

Take care. Stay healthy. Live life.


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