Despite all of the optimistic stuff I posted yesterday, this morning is starting off like a horrible and complete screw up.

I did not get much sleep.

I missed all of "Hour of Power" except the reading.

I didn't do any kettlebell or bodyweight work, no breathing yet, and no water yet.

I also felt pain yesterday, didn't eat much at all, had caffeine, messed up with a client at work.

It was just a mess...especially when 75 Hard is just around the corner.

So today is a mostly "Off" day where I just do what I feel like while planning a high structured schedule for the next 30 days!

But still moving forward.

5am Club

Hour of Power: Move-Missed Reflect-Missed Read- Finished skimming "Movement". Now reading "No Holds Barred: Conditioning"

60 Minute Student (30 Days of Python): Day 21 of 30. This...I completed and caught up

75 Hard Prep

Workout A (Kettlebells/Madbarz workout-45 minutes): Day 15. Missed

8 Critical Tasks Did 1 so far

Workout B (Walking outside-45 minutes) -Whatever I get done today

Gallon of Water: Whatever I get drunk. Day off

Progress Photo Done


90 No Fapping Day 48. (Day 107 no porn).

60 Days Kettlebell : Day 57 of 60: Whatever I feel like today

Wim Hof Whatever I feel like today. I will kick off a 30 Day challenge starting tomorrow or Monday


Employee: Day 5 of 60-Yesterday was horrible, but I oddly reached a work milestone. Planned more intensive goals for the next 60 days plus upgrading resume

Gig: Total $8.19. Missed

Freelancing: Not done

High-Income Skill Development: Day 5 of 30: Python- Not done Copywriting-Missed yesterday You can find them here. Strategy- Still seriously behind here.

Save: Total: $152.90. (Will be taking some money out, but will put back remainder and add more)

Invest: Totals: Real estate: $21.50 Stocks: $20 . (Getting this situated) P2P Lending: $26.92

So yeah...

In short, (Bold is done)

Complete 30 days of 5am club

Complete at least one 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase I

Complete the next 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase 2

Continue 90 days of No porn and no fapping

Complete ITU online course prep in 30 days

Complete 30 days of Python

Complete the Python automation certificate on Coursera

Complete the Python certification Free Code Camp

Complete Project Management course on Coursera

Have $100 of an emergency fund in my bank account

Save at least $300 in my emergency fund

Get a secured credit card

Invest at least $100 in real estate by the end of this year

Invest $100 in the stock market by the end of this year

Invest $100 in peer-to-peer lending by the end of this year

Spend 30 days building high-income skills

Complete 30 days of Yoga (Done) and 60 days of kettlebell

Complete 30 days of kettlebell juggling

Complete 50 pushups in one set (again)

Complete 30 Days of Wim Hof training

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