
"Wait, do I need to buy a new car?"

"It's up to you but we assess that the damage from the storm has caused more damage than the car is worth."

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One of our team members had their car "totaled" recently. That's when the damage from an event, like a storm, is greater than the car's value.

Spoiler alert, our team member is fine and has their car situation under control. But, the shock of finding out your car is "totaled" can stop you in your tracks.

Don't get stopped in your tracks in the fast-paced and quickly changing world of computer vision and deep learning. 

Insurance companies provide car insurance, so when a storm hits and your car is damaged, they have you covered.

What happens when your problem-solving knowledge gets "totaled" because technology is changing so fast.

What is the insurance for your computer vision skills?

Genius Insurance

What is the "genius insurance" for your job? 

What do you have to ensure that people at work always consider you a "genius" who "always comes through with code and ideas"? 

PyImageSearch University is the genius insurance that provides access to world-class, production-ready code, code walkthroughs, and Colab Notebooks for nearly anything you encounter in computer vision.

Try getting that equivalent for your car!

For about $0.52/day (a lot less than car insurance), PyImageSearch University can help ensure that when the toughest, thorniest, most cutting-edge Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and OpenCV problems arise, you'll have better answers than anyone else and look like a genius to your colleagues.

How can we be so confident you'll find the best answers in PyImageSearch University?

Coming up with new ideas for new posts 52 weeks a year is not easy. So while most people are playing video games or binging on Netflix, our team of brilliant developers is perusing theoretical research papers published in prestigious journals.

They then write code that turns the theoretical into reality.

And for less than $0.52/day, that code is yours. 

Along with every single piece of new code, we release each week.

Now, do you see how having access to our code will help you look like a genius to your peers?

But you need to get your genius insurance before Friday at midnight Eastern, or the price will increase.


We've been working hard to add a new lesson (sometimes three) each week and a new course every month. That makes us one of the fastest-growing platforms with the most updated content anywhere. In addition, we just launched Object Detection 301 — The YOLO Object Detector (one of the best Object Detection courses in the world).

We'll have new, cutting-edge topics and delve deeper into computer vision and deep learning fundamentals so you can continue to level up your programming skills and machine learning knowledge.

And we're excited to bring you new instructors who are among the best at what they do.

Don't take our word for it 

Here's what some of our students have said after taking our courses.

There's an abundance of theory-heavy textbooks, papers, and online lectures on computer vision, but a real lack of practical instruction on turning theory into working code. Your course hits that nail on the head! Gabe Davis, CV Engineer

I have done a lot of online courses, and Adrian's [PyImageSearch Gurus] is one of the top ones (if not the top). Bottom line: worth every dollar, in my opinion. —Javier Rodriguez Zaurin, Machine Learning Specialist

I purchased the basic code plan and then updated it, yes PyImageSearch blogs helped me change my lifestyle and got me my dream car too. It is the best purchase I made and I am so glad I started a long time ago. —Arsalan Wasim, Artificial Intelligence Engineer at Upwork

Click here to secure your seat and save $50/year

Click here to save $1,137 on our Complete Library of Books and Courses

The PyImageSearch Team

P.S. As a customer, you will get world-class customer service. 

We don't talk about it enough, but here's what one customer said about our customer service, "wow thanks for quick response and bonus. have a great day."

P.P.S. Are you not interested in this promotion? No problem, opt-out.