By using a third-party application or API to manage the functionality of an application, you are automating the application. If you send messages, post photos or videos, or follow someone without opening your Instagram directly, that means you are automating Instagram. So, if you want to learn how to send Instagram messages automatically using Python, this article is for you. In this article, I will present a tutorial on how to send Instagram messages using Python.

Send Instagram Messages using Python

To send Instagram message using Python, you need to have an Instagram account and the instabot library installed in your Python virtual environment. Instabot is a Python library that you can use to automate features of your Instagram account using Python, like sending messages without even opening your application. You can install this Python library by using the pip command mentioned below:

  • pip install instabot

I hope you now have installed the instabot library in Python, now below is how you can send Instagram messages using Python:

from instabot import Bot bot = Bot()  bot.login(username="Your Username", password="Your Password") bot.send_message("Hi Brother", ["Receiver's Username"])

In the above code, I am using the login function of the instabot library to login into my Instagram account using Python. Here you have to use the username parameter to input your username and the password parameter to input your password. Then, in the next line, I am using the send_message function to send the message where the first parameter is the message itself and the second parameter is the username of the Instagram account you want to send a message to.


So this is how you can send Instagram message using Python. If you send messages, post photos or videos, or follow someone without opening your Instagram directly, that means you are automating Instagram. I hope you liked this article on how to send Instagram message using Python. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.