Big Idea: Life is complicated, even when you plan it...because it's bigger than you

Self-help can be really helpful in opening your mind to the possibilities of your life. Through "self-help", I've learned the power of visualization, manifestation, goal setting, and habit change.

At the same time, all of this "woo woo" s**t can't fix EVERYTHING.

Life is complicated. It involves more than just your wishes, thoughts, and motivations. There are all kinds of beings on this planet who also

That's the challenge of taking control of your life. You can only influence so much. You can only control so much.I can't control what my job does with my position tomorrow. I can't control if an earthquake happens.

At the same time, I control the amount of effort I put into a job. I control how I respond after a natural disaster, like an earthquake happens.

This balance is something I'm being challenged to work with.

In some areas, I have a lot of control: what I put on this blog, what I spend, what I eat, exercise, whether I meditate, what websites I visit, etc. These are the ingredients of the habit change & biohacking experiments of this blog.

But there are things I don't control: How this MS will progress (if it does), the price of medication, whether insurance will cover this procedure.

For a while, the things I can't control overwhelmed me..It sometimes still does...but as I wrestled through this chaos...I've come to realize that there's a lot I can control in my life....if I know where and how to look.

By focusing on the things I can control, I no longer have to be overwhelmed by what I can't control.

Oh, and I just ordered a cheap a** drone...and the cheap a** heart rate monitor pooped out of energy when I was trying it out in the morning.

Python Study: I've decided to continue the 60-minute student idea from Robin Sharma. I have no idea when I'm going to schedule that.


Day 1 of 5 (Before meditation) BPM: 76 B/P: 107/66 HRV: 268

(After meditation) BPM: 71 B/P: 102/68 HRV: 354?

Dat 2 of 5 (Before meditation)

(Before meditation) BPM: 72 B/P: 133/66 HRV: 78

(After meditation) BPM: 81 bpm B/P 112/60 HRV: 100

I am learning that there are more factors to consider when taking my HRV than I thought.

Today's Results

5am club "Hour of Power" Practice

  1. Read a book for 20 minutes-Been reading "Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"
  2. Meditate for 20 minutes-Meditate for 10 minutes (Have 10 more minutes)
  3. Stretch for 20 minutes-None

Modified 75 Hard-Updated

  1. Take a progress photo.
  2. Workout A: Did Strong "Recovery" workout but no stretching.
  3. Workout B: 10,637/2,000 steps so far
  4. Complete top 3 goals-Completed 2 top goals

Glasses of water: 1 cup

Nutrition: 1 cup of water/?Calories?/Weight? I will need to work on this.

Fitness: 10,637 steps.

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