Python is one of the most popular programming languages today. You must go through an interview procedure to get a job as a Python developer. The more Python interview questions and answers you know, the more likely you are to land a high-paying job. In today's blog, we'll go through the top python interview questions that you should be aware of before going through the interview process. Let's have a look at the most important Python interview questions.

Most Asked Python Interview Questions For Freshers

What is PEP 8?


PEP 8 is for the Python Enhancement Proposal, and it's a document that helps us write Python code by providing standards. It's essentially a collection of rules for formatting Python code to make it easier to understand. It was founded in 2001 by Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, and Nick Coghlan.

What is an Interpreted language?


Interpreted language is a programming language that executes code line by line. Python, R, Javascript, PHP, Ruby, and other interpretive languages are among the most popular. Without the requirement for a compilation process, an interpreted language programme executes immediately from the source code.

What are decorators in Python? 


A decorator in Python is a function that takes another function as a parameter and returns another function. Decorators are accustomed to modifying the structure of a function while introducing design patterns. Decorators are extremely useful because they allow you to enhance an existing function without having to change the source code of the original function.

Before we can utilise a decorator, we must first define its purpose. Then we just insert the decorator function above the function to which it will be applied. In this situation, the @ symbol comes before the decorator.

What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?


Python's source code is stored files. The bytecode of python files, on the other hand, is saved in.pyc files, which are formed when code is imported from another source. By converting files to pyc files, the interpreter saves time.



When you import a module, it's an environment variable that's used. PYTHONPATH is checked when a module is imported to see if the imported modules are present in various folders. The interpreter uses it to figure out which module to load.

How is memory managed in Python?


In Python, memory management is accomplished in the following ways:

Memory management is handled via Python's own heap space. All Python objects and data structures are stored in a private heap. The programmer has no access to this private heap. The python interpreter, on the other hand, takes care of it.

Allocating heap space for Python objects is handled by Python's memory manager. Programmers can use the core API to access some programming tools.

Python also has a garbage collector built in, which recycles all unused memory and makes it available to the heap.

Is indentation required in Python?


Yes! In Python, indentation is required. Whereas indentation is primarily used for reading in other programming languages, it is critical to execute the code in Python. It denotes a coding unit. All of the code for loops, classes, functions, and so on is included in an indented block. Using four space characters is the most typical way. If your code is not indented, it will not run and will generate errors.


We've covered the most crucial Python interview questions and answers in this blog, which any Python job applicant should be aware of. When it comes to hiring new employees, these are the most often asked questions by businesses. Hopefully, by now, you'll be able to easily pass your Python interview by answering the majority of the interview questions.

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