import turtle, time  t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle")  # you could also change our turtle to a pen. t.color("red")  # the pen/turtle's color will now draw in red. t.speed(0)  # 0 means that the picture is done immediately, 1 is slowest, 2 faster etc.   def draw_star(): 	for x in range(0,5):  # repeats 5 times 		t.left(72) 		t.forward(100) 		t.right(144) 		t.forward(100)   def draw_circle():  # luckily turtle already has a function to draw a circle. The     			  # 75 indicates that the radius (or diameter, idk) is 75 pixels.  draw_star()  # calling the function to draw a star  time.sleep(2)  # we wait 2 secs before erasing t.clear() t.penup() t.home() t.pendown()  draw_star() 

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