Be, just be. Be knowing who you are by knowing that there is love. Be knowing that you are creating with every breath. Be knowing that you are the one who sets the limits and the one who knows the limitlessness. When you say be, be knowing that you are what you are. Be aware that you are in all particles.

Be aware that what you say exists exists and what you say does not exist. Remember to be, remember to be with love in all atoms. Remember that to be of the creator essence is to be in all existence. Be, just be.

Be aware that whatever you choose is happening. Be knowing that it is you who make or stop. Be love with love. You came to remember to be a beautiful soul piece. You came to remember who you are. We know who it is. We know the self. We always call it healing or you and light. Purification period, pouring help to those who choose to remember.

The period of knowing the essence in all existence. It's time to know that you are from the core. Look, go back to the way you are now and see what you always said, what you thought, you became and you are becoming. Know that you are the one from that love. Let there be light for you and the whole...

!! अभय !!

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