And, after all, aren't we just kids, with our fondness for things that don't respond?

I believe the beauty of it all is that nothing has to have any significance.

And I believe it is why individuals get wounded when they play in the dark.

the unknown—only to enquire as to what god looks like.

The shamrock, however, does not have to be actual.

Each night, I'll leave him cookies from my dreams.

When you declare anything yours, it breaks—

This is something I've always known as a youngster and as a lover.

And, despite the fact that I am perpetually in awe of the vastness—

the freshness of the bodies enshrined in my theater's sanctum—

You weren't there yesterday, but that doesn't mean you weren't there today.

that you haven't been lurking around the corner this whole time

That does not imply that you are not more divine than the previous.

We go about our days randomly, converting nature into machines and back.

Creating an instant fire out of a million-year-old brightness

Only to be made docile by a diligent lover's embrace,

Reading them Gibran's Poetry under deep red lamps gave me a heartache.

What more could any of us desire—

If there isn't a willing hand to hold everything together,

Our milk bones, are they still evolving into something new?

But I'm well aware that I'm only ever fortunate.

I'm only lucky once in a while—

But, after all, aren't I just a good child—

In the hopes of being able to keep this love for the rest of my life?

We could repeat the process indefinitely.

And we claim each time that we've never seen anything like it...

!! अभय !!

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