I often write code with python because it has lots of useful packages, documents and community. And first programming language which I learned is python.

So I've never wrote chemoinformatics code without python. But I have interested in coding with C++ / Rust because it works very fast.

Today, I tried to wrote code with C++ because I found great post about writing C++ chemoinformatics code from Greg! The URL is below.


Computational cost of Finding Maximum common substructure(MCS) is high. RDKit has useful function FindMCS which is developed by Andrew Dalke. It's really cool function and I wonder if the code works faster when I run it from C++.

I wrote some code for getting MCS. OK let's see it....

At first, I wrote find_mcs.cpp. I'm new bee of c++ so most of code is came from Greg's post(I appreciate his great work).

 #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <GraphMol/RDKitBase.h> #include <GraphMol/FileParsers/FileParsers.h>  //MOL single molecule ! #include <GraphMol/FileParsers/MolSupplier.h>  //SDF #include <GraphMol/FMCS/FMCS.h> #include <GraphMol/FileParsers/MolSupplier.h>  using namespace RDKit;  void get_mcs(std::string pathName, unsigned int maxToDo,               std::vector<ROMOL_SPTR> &mols) {   RDKit::SDMolSupplier suppl(pathName, true, true, true);   unsigned int nDone = 0;   while (!suppl.atEnd() && (maxToDo <= 0 || nDone < maxToDo)) {     RDKit::ROMol *m = suppl.next();     if (!m) {       continue;     }     m->updatePropertyCache();     // the tautomer hash code uses conjugation info     MolOps::setConjugation(*m);     nDone += 1;     mols.push_back(ROMOL_SPTR((ROMol *)m));   }   std::cerr << "read: " << nDone << " mols." << std::endl;   MCSParameters p;   MCSResult res = findMCS(mols, &p);   std::cout << "\n"                 << "MCS: " << res.SmartsString << " " << res.NumAtoms                 << " atoms, " << res.NumBonds << " bonds\n";  }   int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   std::vector<ROMOL_SPTR> mols;   get_mcs(argv[1], 10000, mols);  }  

Next, I worte CMakeLists.txt.

 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)  project(simple_cxx_example) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED True)   find_package(RDKit REQUIRED) find_package(Boost COMPONENTS timer system REQUIRED) add_executable(find_mcs find_mcs.cpp) target_link_libraries(find_mcs RDKit::FileParsers RDKit::FMCS    Boost::timer) 

Now ready. Before compiling the code, I wrote python script to do same task as C++ code.

 import sys from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS  def get_mcs(mols):     mcs = rdFMCS.FindMCS(mols)     return mcs  if __name__=='__main__':     mols = Chem.SDMolSupplier(sys.argv[1])     mcs = get_mcs(mols)     print(mcs.smartsString) 

Almost done 😉 Next, I compiled cpp file and run it.

 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make find_mcs 

After running the code shown above, I could get find_mcs file.

OK let's compare C++ and Python code. I used cdk2.sdf as test file. As you can see find_mcs implemented c++ works faster than python implementation.

 (chemoinfo) iwatobipen@penguin:~/dev/sandbox/cpp/build$ time ./find_mcs cdk2.sdf  read: 47 mols.  MCS: [#6](:,-[#7]:,-[#6]):,-[#6]:,-[#6] 5 atoms, 4 bonds  real	0m0.025s user	0m0.017s sys	0m0.008s  (chemoinfo) iwatobipen@penguin:~/dev/sandbox/cpp/build$ time python find_mcs.py cdk2.sdf  [#6](:,-[#7]:,-[#6]):,-[#6]:,-[#6]  real	0m0.177s user	0m0.480s sys	0m1.368s  

It's interesting and exciting results for me. I'll learn c++ more and more.

Today's code is pushed my github repo. Any suggestions, advice are apprecaited.


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