The power of a number means how many times we want to multiply the number by itself. For example, in 82, we would expect 8 to be multiplied by itself as 8x8 and give output as 64. The power of a number is also known as the exponent or index. If you want to learn how to calculate the power of a number using the C++ programming language, then this article is for you. In this article, I will take you through a tutorial on how to write a C++ program to calculate the power of a number.

C++ Program to Calculate Power of a Number

The power of a number means how many times you want to multiply the number by itself. The number to be multiplied is known as the base number and the small number written just above the base number is the power of the base number. There are many ways to calculate the power of a number using the C++ programming language. One of the best and easiest ways is to use the <cmath> library in C ++, which includes all the standard math functions like sin(), cos(), and pow().

So here's how you can write a C++ program to calculate the power of a number:

3 raised to 2 outputs :9

In the above code, I have first imported the necessary C++ libraries, and then I have introduced two variables:

  1. x = 3; the base number 
  2. y; to be used for storing the output 

Then in the next line, I have used the pow() function, where the first parameter is the base number (x) and the second parameter is power (2). This is how you can easily calculate the power of a number using the C++ programming language.

Also, Read - C++ Programs for Beginners with Source Code.


The power of a number means how many times you want to multiply the number by itself. The number to be multiplied is known as the base number and the small number written just above the base number is the power of the base number. I hope you liked this article on how to write a C++ program to calculate the power of a number. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.