Is it funny that I don't even know the basic of PayPal, what it is, what problem it solve, until this very day? Honestly, all I know about PayPal until yesterday is that it's an "online wallet". It behaves like a wallet, but you mess it up while you're connected to the Internet instead of using pair of your hands. My interpretation isn't all that wrong though. It's indeed an online wallet, but it's more precise to describe it as a "safeguard" for your monetary credentials, mainly credit cards. It's funny because I think PayPal are requiring credit cards only for account verification, and transactions from there onwards will use the wallet's balance.

What I'm trying to say is, we may not need other payment processors such as Stripe (or any credit card based processors) if you want to pay using your credit cards. The difference between PayPal and Stripe, as far as I know, is PayPal uses credit card information stored inside its user's account to make payments. On the other hand, Stripe provide us with a form to fill in our credit cards details. To analogize it, payments in PayPal are performed from behind the wall of PayPal's safeguard. While payments in Stripe is more like a security guard accompanying you from the moment you enter your credit card information into their form until the end of transaction. I assume the procedure of sending money between two bank accounts using credit cards remain the same between both platforms. Don't hold me out to explain it. I never had a credit card in my life.

With that said, I could make a payment integration of using PayPal only. It's simple to integrate with an option to be more specific by using server-side SDKs. But the problem is that many user would prefer to enter their credit card right into a form than using PayPal's popup window. Both are safe in their own regards, and I think there isn't that much difference in terms of fees too. But again, Stripe provides a bit better UX than popup window of PayPal. Actually PayPal can also do the same thing as Stripe, but it's not as widely supported by many countries as Stripe just yet. Well, that's one more food of thoughts for me. Thank you for reading my post and have a nice day.

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