Designing an Azure Data Solution certification (DP-201) is designed for Azure data engineers. The exam confirms one's skills and knowledge to design data processing solutions, create Azure data storage solutions, and design for data security and compliance. Candidates for this exam must design data solutions that use the following Azure services: Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Data Factory, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Data bricks, and Azure Blob storage.

Who Can appear in Microsoft Exam?

Candidates for Designing an Azure Data Solution (DP-201) Practice exam are for those who want to become Microsoft Azure data engineers who collaborate with business stakeholders to identify and meet the data requirements to design data solutions that use Azure data services.

Microsoft provides a learning path for Designing an Azure Data Solution (DP-201) exam which is specifically designed for the candidates who are seeking to build a career in Azure Data Solution. The objectives for (DP-201) exam are as follows:

Design Azure data storage solutions (40-45%)

Design data processing solutions (25-30%)

Design for data security and compliance (25-30%)

Learning Path:

Microsoft provides various certifications in several fields. However, Designing an Azure Data Solution (DP-201) Practice Exam and Implementing an Azure Data Solution (DP-200) are paths to become Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate.

Exam Details:

Explaining the format of the Designing an Azure Data Solution (DP-201) exam is the most important step. The exam includes 40-60 questions.

  1. The questions will appear in the form of multiple-choice.
  2. The candidate will get 180 minutes to complete the exam, in total, they get 210 minutes.
  3. The exam is available in various languages such as English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean.
  4. The candidate has to pay $165 USD as the examination fee.

Detailed Course Outline:

The Designing an Azure Data Solution (DP-201) exam includes its objectives and sub-topics. The detailed course outline is mentioned below:

Topic 1: Design Azure Data Storage Solutions (40-45%)

Topic 2: Design Data Processing Solutions (25-30%)

Topic 3: Design for Data Security and Compliance (25-30%)

Step-by-step Preparation Guide:

Here is a step-by-step preparation guide for successfully passing the Designing an Azure Data Solution (DP-201) exam.

  • Microsoft Learning Platform
  • Microsoft Documentation
  • Instructor-Led Training
  • Join a Study Group
  • Practice Test

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