ants123456789 posted: " Since our last article on AI for kids, we have been wondering if there is any more AI gadget for Kids and Teens to try on. DeepMoji is AI platform can judge on our messages to our feeling, sentiment, emotion and sarcasm . Let review on this AI platform. "
Since our last article on AI for kids, we have been wondering if there is any more AI gadget for Kids and Teens to try on. DeepMoji is AI platform can judge on our messages to our feeling, sentiment, emotion and sarcasm . Let review on this AI platform.
emoji cartoon
Understanding of DeepMoji
DeepMoji use millions of texts on Twitter containing emojis for training a deep learning model that understands many nuances of how language is used to express emotions.
Pre-trained DeepMoji model is released for anyone to use (incl. companies), and implementations are available for the Keras and pyTorch frameworks.
Simple text to Emoji Input
Go to the deepmoji web demo text to emoji conversion.
It has a text box for user to keyin sentence to see how AI algorithm.
However, after trying, the selected example sentence can provide related emoji to the words!!
deepmoji text to emoji input
Why emotion analysis?
Because emotional content is an important part of language.
There is a big area of understanding since human emotion operate with much more nuanced emotion representations.
The classic use case is companies wanting to make sense of what their customers are saying about them.
The basic idea is that if the model is able to predict which emoji was included with a given sentence, then it has an understanding of the emotional content of that sentence.
Understanding emoji usage
DeepMoji's model base on understanding of emotions by finding millions of tweets containing one of the top 64 emojis and predict them in context.
Just by examining the predictions of model on the test set it is clear that the model does have an understanding of how the emojis are related.
emoji set
DeepMoji Apply on Own Twitter
deepmoji-twitter message
Connect the twitter account to DeepMoji
Start to rate your twitter message with a set of emotion expression (eg Angry, Sad, Happy, Confident, Amazed, Confused..)
Thanks for reading and you can try out this new idea of AI emoji. Take care and good health
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