Friday, September 17, 2021

Big Chocolate Block & Buttons from Seniman Kakao 🍫

Bake your favourite chocolate cake with the best chocolate from Seniman Kakao 
New tempered chocolate block & chocolate button makes the cleanest & most luxurious chocolate cake you ever made. 
You can also DIY your own chocolate bar with your favourite nuts & dried fruits, or a lovely chocolate dip for your fruit & cheese plater 🍫
Shop Now

The Best Coffees to pair with Chocolate
Liberica Signature Blend
Liberica Signature Blend
Tanzania Kilimajaro Peaberry  坦尚尼亞 吉力馬札羅 珍珠圓豆
Tanzania Kilimajaro Peaberry 坦尚尼亞 吉力馬札羅 珍珠圓豆
El Salvador Los Pirineos Pacamara
El Salvador Los Pirineos Pacamara
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