The second course in a new Skill Path series on Pluralsight, designed to help prepare you for the Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility exam was just published. The new course is titled, "Share Salesforce Data Across Users, Groups, and Roles".

Using a real-world scenario involving a global company, you'll learn how to build a record sharing model for your Salesforce org. First, you'll explore the Salesforce sharing architecture and the different layers of record sharing security Salesforce provides.

From there, you'll discover how to set org-wide defaults and design a role hierarchy. Finally you will learn how to open up access when needed with sharing rules or manual sharing. When you're finished, you will have the skills and knowledge to design a robust and secure sharing model for your Salesforce organization.

And look out for future posts on this blog about this very complex and critical piece of the Salesforce Security architecture.