Location: Pensacola Beach

Season: Spring 2019


It was time for Mr Woodstock to take me on a date. We were both unemployed (match made in HEAVEN), so it left our availability and date options wide open. I guess that's one of the perks of being unemployed, along with eating peanut butter sandwiches and leftovers from the neighbor's Cook-Out since a paycheck hasn't rolled in since January 11th. Peanut butter sandwiches are a perk- better than jelly sandwiches or a bowl of nails for breakfast. Without any milk


Luckily, I just finished my first week of work so that's no longer the case. Then again, I miss all the free time that I still don't know quite what I did with. I guess hindsight is 24/7.... There's not a day that goes by of the seven we're given each week, that I don't think, "damn what did I even do yesterday or I should have called, accomplished, or demolished x y or l m n o p. Not to mention, I just got my first life insurance policy so needless to say, that is adulting at its finest.

Will this 30 year old was sweet like syrup filling every compartment of your waffle. No I don't mean that pervertedly ... Way to go guys. Just kidding. He apps to meet any of your needs or at least address them. He was very transparent in his desires and ambitions and hurdles. He was raised a Boy Scout in which he recited the oath to me. "Wilderness explorer!" Or maybe that was Russell from "Up." If he were a Disney character, that's certainly who I would peg him as! He left the date idea to me by presenting three options. He had a bag in his car to accommodate each choice. I can't remember the other two choices but I selected the Fort Pickens option.

After lubing up with my SPF 100, good luck sun, we embarked and joined the 1 o'clock tour. About 15 minutes in, we ditched the tourists and meandered to an area built for a view but the ladder rungs were blocked. That didn't stop either of us. After exercising a little parkour that neither of us knew we, we made it to the top from breathtaking views. This word remind me a lot of villains in Charleston. Obviously I know much different Wars but, still u.s. history. There were several spots along the fort where he kissed me; quite romantic.


Then, because he falls in the category of men that actually listen, he brought me to the largest Irish Pub possibly in Florida. It was Bloody brilliant. Yes, Irish folk say that as well, it's not just Brits. Trust me I'm good friends with one. ;))

And he took me home and planned our next date. I was sure to make it clear, as always, that I was dating other people and he certainly made it clear he was only interested in dating me. It evoked a little bit of guilt I'm not really sure that it was intentional ... I'm such a guilt driven person .he's the only person that's ever pointed out my foot pattern in the sand​On our second date, he took us to the beach, which exhibited my classy side, sporting rolled up Soffe shorts as a swimsuit bottom. Having both sets to your swimsuit is not a luxury that a homeless girl can have. With my best friend and I continue to move from house to house until the one we were promised in Pensacola is ready. The latest update? August 2019. When was the original plan for completion ? November 27th 2017. Life Is Fun. Also, anyone that knows me, knows that my patience is that of a four-year-old. And my sweet tooth... which he actually entertained on this date. He brought me to get alcoholic milkshakes OHHHH YEAHHH.

I found that most appropriate for the recipe today. I also want to try in good old Pensacola since that's where he was born and raised so today's dessert is a Bushwacker.


(makes 3)

2. oz Coconut Rum
2 oz. Vodka
2 Oz. Bailey's
2 oz. Kahlua
2 oz. Amaretto
2 oz. Cream of Coconut
Chocolate Syrup
Pinch of Nutmeg
Drizzle chocolate syrup in a glass. Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend with ice, pour in the glass. Sprinkle with nutmeg

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