
■□■ Jul, Week 4 ■□■ Title: JavaScript Author、Platform: SOLOLEARN Source: https://www.sololearn.com/learning/1024

Selecting Elements


All HTML elements are objects. And as we know every object has properties and methods.
The document object has methods that allow you to select the desired HTML element.
These three methods are the most commonly used for selecting HTML elements:


//finds element by id

//finds elements by class name

//finds elements by tag name

In the example below, the getElementById method is used to select the element with id="demo" and change its content:


var elem = document.getElementById("demo");
elem.innerHTML = "Hello World!"
TIP:The example above assumes that the HTML contains an element with id="demo", for example <div id="demo"></div>.

提示:上面的範例是假設HTML包含一個有id是demo的元素,例如: <div id="demo"></div>


Selecting Elements


The getElementsByClassName() method returns a collection of all elements in the document with the specified class name.
For example, if our HTML page contained three elements with class="demo", the following code would return all those elements as an array:

getElementsByClassName() 方法會回傳文件中有指定class名稱的一系列元素。例如:如果我們的HTML頁面包含3個元素有class為"demo",接下來程式碼會回傳那些元素為一個陣列(array)。

var arr = document.getElementsByClassName("demo");
//accessing the second element
arr[1].innerHTML = "Hi";

Similarly, the getElementsByTagName method returns all of the elements of the specified tag name as an array.
The following example gets all paragraph elements of the page and changes their content:


var arr = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
for (var x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) {
arr[x].innerHTML = "Hi there";

The script will result in the following HTML:


<p>Hi there</p>
<p>Hi there</p>
<p>Hi there</p>
TIP:We used the length property of the array to loop through all the selected elements in the above example.



Working with DOM


Each element in the DOM has a set of properties and methods that provide information about their relationships in the DOM:
element.childNodes returns an array of an element's child nodes.
element.firstChild returns the first child node of an element.
element.lastChild returns the last child node of an element.
element.hasChildNodes returns true if an element has any child nodes, otherwise false.
element.nextSibling returns the next node at the same tree level.
element.previousSibling returns the previous node at the same tree level.
element.parentNode returns the parent node of an element.

We can, for example, select all child nodes of an element and change their content:

element.childNodes 回傳一個元素子節點(child nodes)的陣列
element.firstChild 回傳元素的第一個子節點
element.lastChild 回傳元素的最後一個子節點
element.hasChildNodes 如果元素有任一個子節點就回傳true,否則回傳false
element.nextSibling 回傳在樹狀同一階層中的下一個節點
element.previousSibling 回傳在樹狀同一階層中的前一個節點
element.parentNode 回傳元素的父節點(parent node)

<div id ="demo">
<p>some text</p>
<p>some other text</p>

var a = document.getElementById("demo");
var arr = a.childNodes;
for(var x=0;x<arr.length;x++) {
arr[x].innerHTML = "new text";

TIP:The code above changes the text of both paragraphs to "new text".

提示:上面的程式碼將兩個段落的內容都改成"new text"。


Changing Attributes


Once you have selected the element(s) you want to work with, you can change their attributes.
As we have seen in the previous lessons, we can change the text content of an element using the innerHTML property.
Similarly, we can change the attributes of elements.
For example, we can change the src attribute of an image:


<img id="myimg" src="https://db35reset.wordpress.com/2021/07/29/jul_week4/orange.png" alt="" />
var el = document.getElementById("myimg");
el.src = "apple.png";

We can change the href attribute of a link:


<a href="http://www.example.com">Some link</a>
var el = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
el[0].href = "http://www.sololearn.com";
TIP:Practically all attributes of an element can be changed using JavaScript.



Changing Style



The style of HTML elements can also be changed using JavaScript.
All style attributes can be accessed using the style object of the element.
For example:

<div id="demo" style="width:200px">some text</div>
var x = document.getElementById("demo");
x.style.color ​= "6600FF";
​x.style.width ​= "100px"

The code above changes the text color and width of the div element.


TIP:All CSS properties can be set and modified using JavaScript. Just remember, that you cannot use dashes (-) in the property names: these are replaced with camelCase versions, where the compound words begin with a capital letter.  For example: the background-color property should be referred to as backgroundColor.



Creating Elements


Use the following methods to create new nodes:
element.cloneNode() clones an element and returns the resulting node.
document.createElement(element) creates a new element node.
document.createTextNode(text) creates a new text node.

For example:

element.cloneNode() 複製一個元素並回傳產生的節點
document.createElement(element) 新增一個元素節點
document.createTextNode(text) 新增一格文字節點

var node = document.createTextNode("Some new text");

This will create a new text node, but it will not appear in the document until you append it to an existing element with one of the following methods:
element.appendChild(newNode) adds a new child node to an element as the last child node.
element.insertBefore(node1, node2) inserts node1 as a child before node2.


element.appendChild(newNode) 加一個新的子節點到元素中,當成最後的子節點 element.insertBefore(node1, node2) 在node2節點前面,插入node1節點作為子節點

<div id ="demo">some content</div>

//creating a new paragraph
var p = document.createElement("p");
var node = document.createTextNode("Some new text");
//adding the text to the paragraph

var div = document.getElementById("demo");
//adding the paragraph to the div
TIP:This creates a new paragraph and adds it to the existing div element on the page.



翻譯小心得| DOM操作的基礎了解,之前用DOM比較少用來操作class和tag name,幾乎都是取id(因為是單一值),比較不會改到不想改的東西,之後再想想看有什麼情境下可以用class和tag來操作會比較方便。 Finally, the article above is from SOLOLEARN .  I translated it just for practice, personal use only. If that is inappropriate, please contact me.

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